January 25, 2002
IMPORTANT: Story links should be working by this evening. If not then, then Saturday morning at
the latest. Please be patient with us.
Mutant X Slash Archive Re-opens its doors to the public, with a new look and more stuff to play with.
We were adding a story to the archive, but was asked by the author to take it down. With respect to the author that story will not go up.
To your left you will see the usual, but with 4 things added that are new, and are coming soon. You
have the sections Photography, Fan Art, Polls, and Show Schedule.
Photography: Photographs from the show, magazines, or live events.
Fan Art: Art that the fans have created for their favorite characters or couples.
Polls: Questions asked by us, that the fans answer.
Show Schedule: A Comprehensive list of when Mutant X Airs in your area.
To Contact the Webmaster for any questions, problems, or to submit a story Click Here