Updates: January 25, 2002


*    IMPORTANT: Story links should be working by this evening. If not then, then Saturday morning at  

        the latest. Please be patient with us.


*    Mutant X Slash Archive Re-opens its doors to the public, with a new look and more stuff to play with.


*    We were adding a story to the archive, but was asked by the author to take it down. With respect to the author that story will not go up.


*    To your left you will see the usual, but with 4 things added that are new, and are coming soon. You 

                        have the sections Photography, Fan Art, Polls, and Show Schedule.


Photography: Photographs from the show, magazines, or live events.

Fan Art: Art that the fans have created for their favorite characters or couples.

Polls: Questions asked by us, that the fans answer.

Show Schedule: A Comprehensive list of when Mutant X Airs in your area.






To Contact the Webmaster for any questions, problems, or to submit a story Click Here